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검정치마(The Black Skirts) – Everything

A two day streak on keeping my promise! Today I’m bringing you guys a song that’s very fitting for Valentine’s day (I’m a couple days late, but what’s new?). I hope your Valentine’s day was as good as mine . And for all you singles out there… good for you. My bank account envies you.
everythingEverything has that 조휴일’s (Bryan Cho) trademark muddy melody and muffled voice, too perfect for rainy days like today. While listening to this song the first time through, I realized how boring the song must be for the non-Korean speakers. A good part of The Black Skirts’ uniqueness come from their lyrics, and not being able to understand any of the words takes so much away from their songs. It’s songs like these where I have the most trouble finding the middle ground between literal and figurative translation, and end up having to settle for one or the other. For this song, I stuck with the literal translation, but that was more out of laziness than anything else. (Brownie points for honesty?)

Weirdly enough, the lyrics for this song reminded me of my most recent church service (which is like 4-5 months ago). The pastor condemned what he called “modern love,” that momentary surge in emotion that sprouts when you’re lying down, cuddling with that person, only to wither with little time physically apart. While I certainly agree that the idealized “love” is unconditional and immutable, love realistically is much like the “modern love” as he described; all feelings are fleeting and conditional, and so is love. Still, for me, the idealized notion gives a goal to strive for, provides a base for the promise I make to myself, for that one person who is my everything. Sure one of us may get hurt in the end, but what’s the fun in love without that stinging stab.

I probably shouldn’t have killed this bottle of wine.

Good night to me. And to you all.

검정치마 – Everything

You are my everything
My everything
My everything
You are my everything
My everything

비가 내리는 날엔
우리 방안에 누워 아무 말이 없고
감은 눈을 마주보면 모든 게 우리 거야
조금 핼쑥한 얼굴로 날 찾아올 때도
가끔 발칙한 얘기로 날 놀랠킬 때도

You are my everything
My everything
My everything
You are my everything
My everything

넌 내 모든 거야
내 여름이고
내 꿈이야
넌 내 모든 거야
나 있는 그대로
받아 줄게요
The Black Skirts – Everything

You are my everything
My everything
My everything
You are my everything
My everything

On rainy days
Lying down, not a single word
Gazing with our eyes closed, everything becomes ours
Times when you go around looking for me pale-faced
Times when you surprise me with your cheeky stories

You are my everything
My everything
My everything
You are my everything
My everything

You are my everything
You are the sun in my summers
And my dreams at night
You are my everything
I’ll love you
Just the way you are

Michael Administrator

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I fell in love with this song without understanding the lyrics :-D and after reading them… I don’t feel it’s adding much. I guess I fell in love with the soft music and the soft voice singing.


This killed me


In my opinion, music is universal. The first time I heard this song, I already fell in love with it. It made me feel calm and content, the same feeling you get when you’re with a special someone. Thank you for the translation!


no, non-korean like me love this song so much! it’s like my top song of 2017. hope black skirt will come out with new album soon, tho i’m not yet tired listening to Team Baby album.

wonder if i ever get the chance to watch him live….